a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I be applying to top schools like Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, Caltech, and MIT?

I am an Indian living in the Philippines. I have a GPA of 4.0 and SAT score of 1580. I took 10 AP exams (Calculus BC, Physics C: Mechanics, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics 1, Physics 2, Chemistry, Computer Science A, Statistics, World History, Environmental Science) and got 5 in all of them. I studied at a cambridge school and took A-Levels (Math, Math Further, Physics, Chemistry and English).


I am a private pilot license holder. Flew 55 hours on a single engine plane. Flew 5 hours on simulator. 250 hours ground studies. Cleared all DGCA exams.

Helicopter Pilot. Flew 55 hours on a helicopter.

I wrote a book about asia and it also got published.

I found a non-profit which plants 10000+ trees annually.

I attended the Summer Science Program

I attended PROMYS

I am the president of math club at my school

I have done 4 internships at small firms (200+ on each internship)

I have done community service in Auroville for farmers (250+ hours), took part in Clean India Mission (100+ hours), and etc.

Adventure Sports- Solo Skydiving license holder, scuba diving license holder, Mountaineering, Hang-gliding license holder, snow skiing, river rafting license holder

Instagram 15k+ followers- I have a page on instagram about robotics which has 15k+ followers

Honors and Awards:

Harvard Model Congress Asia Winner

Calculus Bee winner (national level)

National Science Fair Winner

Arduino Competition winner - International

Inspirit AI Scholar

AP Scholar Award

I am planning to major in Aerospace engineering, should I apply to top colleges like Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Yale, Harvard?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hey there @Ilovestanford.

The short answer? Yes. The slightly longer answer? Your grades, AP tests, SAT score, and extracurriculars are mostly above average, even for highly competitive schools. Your GPA is incredibly high, you have a near-perfect SAT score, your extracurricular activities and awards are outstanding, and you seem to be both well-rounded and have certain passions and 'spikes.' If you don't get into at least one of the schools on your list, I will be genuinely shocked. So go for it and apply for them all!

Best of luck!

a year ago[edited]

What else do you want? I have a 3.93gpa, 1470 SAT, no APs ( not offered in country ), and extracurricular are incomparable with yours. Yet, am boldly applying to HARVARD, Princeton, and some other ivys. If that really you, definitely. Apply to all of them.

a year ago

Wow, you're really well-rounded as a student and as a person! I'd be genuinely surprised if those schools don't accept you. You've definitely worked hard, so go for it! You got this!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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