10 months ago
Admissions Advice

How Can I Improve My Extracurriculars?

I'm a rising sophomore and I have ten extracurriculars, but they're not as strong as I would like and I wanted to ask if anyone knew how to improve upon them for admissions to a top school.

1. Girl Scouts (4a-standard)

- I have been a Girl Scout forever, but other than selling cookies, I don't do much with it

2. LitMag Club (2c-very strong)

- Editor for my school's literary magazine; my writing has been featured in it & won awards in it

3. Violin (4a-standard)

- I play as a hobby, have been playing for seven years, play only in recitals and school concerts

4. Irish Dance (2a-very strong)

- I dance competitively at the championship level; I compete monthly in local competitions and yearly in larger regional competitions, but have yet to win any titles; performance troupe member

5. Writing (1c-exceptional)

- Not necessarily 'exceptional' yet, but I have won multiple school, state, and national awards and am currently working on a book to begin trying to publish it this upcoming year

6. Student Government (2c-very strong)

- Elected position (secretary) in freshman and upcoming sophomore year

7. Theatre (2c-very strong)

- I have had a number of ensemble, supporting, and leading roles in school and community theatre, as well as helping the costume department in a school play

8. Mock Trial (3a-strong)

- I serve various roles in my school's mock trial team; we are preparing to attend a state competition in February

9. Singing (2b-very strong)

- I sing in my school's choir, take voice lessons, and have been part of several local and regional select choirs; I aim to be in Allstate Choir this upcoming year

10. Community Service (2a-strong)

- Over 150 hours over two summers volunteering at an art camp for children

I feel like I'll remove some of these as I gain more relevant EC's throughout high school, but I'm not sure where to focus my time and energy. I am really passionate about several things, but I want to have a spike somewhere. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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