Hi! So I'm a rising senior and I recently got my SAT scores back and they weren't as good as expected. I got a 1050 and I was really disappointed in my scores so I was thinking of retaking it but I wondered if it was really necessary since most schools are test optional now so I wanted to ask y'alls advice on whether or not I should retake it. I plan on applying to UT Austin, USC, and NYU and my GPA is a 94.8302. My extracurriculars are very basic; I'm Class Vice President, An Academic Decathlon Member, and a HOSA member along with being a chemistry club member for 2 years. My grades are also very average I have mostly A's and B's with a few C's from freshman year. So I wanted to ask y'all if I should retake the SATs or just apply test optional.
Hey there @Anonymouse!
I personally would suggest retaking the SAT because the schools you want to apply to are fairly competitive. USC has an average SAT score between 1330-1520, UT Austin is 1230-1480, and NYU's is 1400-1500. Submitting a 1050 would probably not be the best move, so if you have the time and means to retake (and you're confident you can do better), then I think it's safe to say that you should.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
do you think going test optional would hurt me though? like in a possible reality where I retake it and my score isn't as high as I would like?