My extracurriculars right now
1. Published in a super prestigious journal(concord review)
2. Non profit - 200+ volunteers and more than the equivalent of 5,000 dollars raised(which is a lot since I am from a country whose currency is really weak). 3 years
3. NHS - President of Leadership, 2 years
4. Crosscountry - Varsity, 4 years
5. Science club - President 3 years, Member 4 years
6. Planning to attend either TASS/RISE
7. Community Service School club - President 2 years, Member 3 years
8. Caretaker of my younger sibling(Who suffers from a disease and gave me the idea to start the non profit). All four years
9. Planning to do research
What can I do to make my extracurriculars better or is there anything I should add?
I feel like I am all over the place.
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