a year ago
Admissions Advice

how can i make myself stand out more?

college apps opened today, and im struggling to find ways to make myself stand out as an applicant. i have a 3.7/4.0 gpa, 31 act, go to a highly ranked school in my state, and i think i have a pretty good essay. here is my list of ec's/honors:


Job at Ski Resort as assistant instructor

Job in Retail (sales associate)

Job at Translation School (helper/translator)

Competitive Dancer and have won numerous regional awards and scholarships, committed to 30hrs a week

Dance assistant helper at studio

Co-captain of school dance team

Volunteer Archery Instructor

Link Crew Club to advise freshmen at my school

Virtual marketing Internship

(not sure what to put for my 10th; i did a fellowship but im not sure it really helps me with anything in my application because it wasnt very impactful)


National Honors Society

National Dance Honors Society

AP Scholar Award

Scholarships/awards from dance

i would love to just stand out a little more since the other applicants from my school have done crazy extracurrciulars like literally change a state law or have an internship with jpmorgan. my dream is umich but anything to just help me would be appreciated!


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1 answer

a year ago

Based on the information provided here, you already have a very strong application. The best thing at this point to make yourself stand out more is simply the way you present yourself. A lot of college advisors emphasize having a "spike" in your application: something you're very passionate about that you want to really play up in your application. You don't need to have "crazy extracurriculars," you've already done enough, so find a way to display what you've done in the most impressive way possible. Look at videos/blogs to show the best way to describe your extracurriculars and group them. Also, you don't need to have all 10 extracurriculars- quality over quantity in this case.

In short: use what you've done to create a meaningful story about yourself so that admissions can see who you are, what you've accomplished so far, and the potential you have to succeed and enrich their school.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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