9 months ago
Admissions Advice

Do we have to submit a portfolio if we are applying to undergrad as someone who wants to study architecture?

Do we have to submit a portfolio if we are applying to undergrad as someone who wants to study architecture?

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1 answer

9 months ago[edited]

It depends on the Architecture School but most of them will require some sort of additional portfolio (including art, design projects, etc).

If you apply to a Top Undergrad Architecture school like Cooper Union, SciArc, USC, RISD, Syracuse, CalPolySLO, Cornell, and UVA, then absolutely you will have to have a very compelling portfolio.

Lesser schools like Ball State that are 4 year degree programs, not 5 year programs will still prefer one even if one is not required.

Copied from Ball State.

"Although we don’t require a portfolio, we encourage you to submit one to demonstrate your creativity and personality. The best portfolios include diverse content and devote more attention to creative talents than technical abilities. Some items you should consider adding to your portfolio include:

creative work, including sketches, drawings, paintings, photography, sculpture, crafts, gardening, poetry, newspaper articles, or other creative projects

personal or academic work,writing samples, awards or certificates"

This one is from Syracuse and it is very specific of what you need to submit:

Content specifications

Your portfolio should include:

a brief statement outlining your interest in the field of architecture

12-24 high-quality reproductions of your best and most recent art work

Work will be evaluated based on demonstrated skill, discipline and creativity. Works copied from photos, magazines, and masterworks are not considered strong material.


We especially encourage you to submit works from real-life observation such as still life, figure drawing, portraits/self-portraits, and landscapes.

Any cartoon work must be your original ideas, characters, etc., and not be derivative of another individual’s work.

Art should demonstrate consideration of the background and composition. Avoid ‘floating’ figures or objects.

Other media

In addition to observational drawing, works in other media such as painting, 2-D and 3-D designs, photography, woodworking, sculpture, or any other visual media that demonstrate your interest and aptitude in creative and graphic work are encouraged.

Mechanical and architectural drawings are not necessary and, if included, should exemplify design and creativity, not just technological skills. They will be evaluated on their artistic merit and not on the manipulation of software.

Keep in mind that good design incorporates presentation and proper editing.

Work must be original, not clip art.

Labeling your artwork

Label each portfolio item with:

Information about the medium used

Whether project was done on your own or in class

Original size

A 1-2 sentence comment about the piece (If submitting two-dimensional computer-generated work - using Photoshop, Illustrator, etc - please include explanation of how you created the image and the software used.)

Good luck

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