4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Language Proficiency Section on the CommonApp?

Hi, I am an incoming senior (US citizen) struggling a bit to fill in the common app. My first language is English so I obviously am proficient in that. I've taken spanish for 6 and soon 7 years now in middle and then high school and will be taking AP Spanish this coming school year as a senior. I do well in Spanish class (all A+'s) in writing and reading the best and basic speaking but I don't know if I should even put that down since I am not fluent whatsoever but do have more of a basic proficiency than someone in lower level spanish? To put in in perspective I probably would not be comfortable holding a college interview entirely in Spanish but could write essays in Spanish with the occasional dictionary. Please let me know what I should select! :)


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4 answers

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

This question is meant to help colleges build a more diverse class. If you can speak Spanish conversationally, I would include it, but since you mention that you wouldn't be comfortable doing a college interview in Spanish, you might consider leaving it out. Your other skills in Spanish (reading & writing) should be evident through your course grades, so there's no need to worry that you're under-representing your skills.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have more questions!

4 years ago

You can’t compare your native language to a foreign language you learn. If you can write essays in Spanish with the help of a dictionary then you have a basic fluency of this foreign to you language. And you should be proud of this and put it down in your common app. Now if you have the time, you might want to take your SAT Spanish Subject to show even better this achievement, but if you can’t please don’t worry. Best of luck !

3 years ago

I'm in the same situation! Except that I'm taking Honors Spanish IV as a senior currently instead of AP Spanish. For me, I put speak, read, and write. But now reading what others are saying I think I will change it to just write and read because like you, I'm on a very basic level of speaking and find it hard to understand other Spanish speakers (especially if they're fast!).

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