a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is it better for volunteer hours to align with interests/possible majors?

Hi! I’m a sophomore in high school and I have 50 volunteer hours so far, but they are for different things (nonprofit, humane society, and helping at a school). I’m not sure what I plan on studying in college but I don’t necessarily want to be a veterinarian or a teacher. However, I’ve heard colleges prefer volunteer hours to align with your interests or your potential major (ex: volunteering at a hospital if you want to be in the medical field). I was wondering if that is actually true or do colleges not pay much attention to what your volunteer hours specifically are, as long as you have some? Also, is it better to get all of your hours at one place or do multiple things?

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@AdaHa year ago

I don't have an answer to this question, but I'm in a similar boat. I'm a rising sophomore, and I have around a hundred and sixty volunteer hours, but they're all from volunteering at a summer camp, and I don't plan on studying anything that that would necessarily be useful for.

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a year ago

It is more impressive if you consistently volunteer at a hospital and you want to go into the medical field than do random things for short amounts of time. Yet, considering you are undecided on your major, it may not look bad.

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