9 months ago
Admissions Advice

Do I have NO CHANCE of getting into selective colleges?!

I just received my final grades for Junior year and out of my 4 A-Level (British board) Subjects I got an A (highest grade possible) in Math, Economics and English. My Computer Science grade, however, was a C.

I want to major in Economics so how much will this affect my application? People have been telling me that T50 colleges should be off my list. But is this really that impactful? How much damage in one subject which I’m not even pursuing do to my application?

Do you’ll have any advice on how to handle this situation? How are my chances of getting into a higher ranked college? Please recommend any colleges which are within my reach with these grades. I have a 1510 on the SAT.

Please give any advice you can. Thank you in advance :)

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@Swayam_Jain179 months ago

Your SAT is really good, but one C won't kill you if your GPA is high you will be fine. Remember the College Admission process is more than grades, your essay and your extracurricular matter as well

[🎤 AUTHOR]@VGill20059 months ago

Thank you for the response! But won't one C out of 4 subjects bring my gpa down?

@Swayam_Jain179 months ago

@VGill2005 Yes but my point is that if your a straight A student then one C won't play a hige impact. There's more than just grades.

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Accepted Answer
9 months ago

I think that the US colleges will recalculate your GPA of your 4 years of hs… So don’t worry too much the application is holistic and your grades aren’t the most important part of your application. If the C is the only „bad“ grade you received i don’t think that it will have a huge negative impact on your application…

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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