4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Tough decisions, need help!

Hi I’m a british student. I’m going into year 13 for my A levels in English literature/language and psychology. I want to specialise in a psychology field -neurosurgery maybe. Are my A level subjects considered tough or acceptable enough for Ivy League and top universities?

I also do not want to apply because my GCSE grades are not the best. I got all C grade in my GCSE’s and at that time I was really depressed and I’m quite worried as this could be a factor for rejection. However, I get a high SAT score as well as subject tests and A grade predictions in A levels what are the likelihood? I know the other factors such as REC letters/ECs and essays play a factor too. Should I apply for undergrad programme in UK or USA and why? If study in UK for undergrad, is it tough to come over to USA for post grad in USA. Should I do all my education in UK or USA?

Also, if I’m submitting my predicted grades, will I be made a conditional offer, how does it work? will universities contact me when I get my grades in August 2021 or will I get accepted straight away I’m referring to Ivy League and other top schools.

Do I have any advantage if I apply for Early action to any Ivy League or top school. What are the differences in my situation whether I apply ED or RD.

Considering that I am an international British student, is there a possibility that I may get rejected due to financial aid? If so, how do I reduce these measures. I mean I will be applying for financial aid anyways so what are the likelihood?

Thank you!


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4 years ago

So unfortunately I can’t answer any of the GSCE questions as I have no clue so I’ll answer what I can.

Should I apply for undergrad programme in UK or USA and why? If study in UK for undergrad, is it tough to come over to USA for post grad in USA. Should I do all my education in UK or USA?

So for this to kinda brag USA is kinda the educational capital of the world. So apply to what fits your needs/wants. If you can deal with being away from family for an extended period US colleges are really good to look at. As you are British there are a lot less hurdles to go through for visas regardless of undergrad or grad study. There is no harm or bonus if you go to school in one country then grad in the other it depends on school prestige. And Cambridge is likely more prestigious than Northeastern for example actually all non HYPSM it exceeds. As for visas for grad/undergrad there is no difference if I remember correctly but I’m not a customs agent so I can’t tell you.

Also, if I’m submitting my predicted grades, will I be made a conditional offer, how does it work? will universities contact me when I get my grades in August 2021 or will I get accepted straight away I’m referring to Ivy League and other top schools.

At least for US you don’t submit predicted grades merely your class schedule. Most of the time (2nd hand info) counselors will send a mid year grade update around/after the winter holidays. You will get accepted or rejected (waitlisting can happen but it’s very rare) then you either enroll or decline enrollment. If they accept self reported grades SAT or any self reported info you will typically send official documentation about said stat.

Do I have any advantage if I apply for Early action to any Ivy League or top school. What are the differences in my situation whether I apply ED or RD.

So EA is essentially saying you have strong interest at school x and is non binding. ED is binding some schools have 1 or both and some neither but if I remember correctly the ivies have at least 1 early admission program. EAs typically have a bit higher chance but not as much as EDs. RD is essentially a latter deadline and EA applicant have slightly higher admit rates.

Considering that I am an international British student, is there a possibility that I may get rejected due to financial aid? If so, how do I reduce these measures. I mean I will be applying for financial aid anyways so what are the likelihood?

So about half of the ivies are need blind for international students. HYP are need blind and if I remember correctly another one I think penn but I may be wrong. So at the need blind school (google international needblind college USA) and at those schools you will not be rejected due to need but all schools not on that list there is a chance you might be rejected due to aid needed. It depends on finicial need needed so with getting your tax info I can’t say how to reduce those measures. I’m sorry :-(

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification. I’d be happy to help!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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