I know it’s only the first week of school but I’m already stressed out just thinking of AP. I know I might sound lazy but it’s just all the work you get for homework and the fact you keep getting more is just a lot of time. I also keep getting mental breakdowns about all the work I haven’t got done yet. I genuinely think I should drop out simply so I can have more leg room for all the other assignments that my other class give to me.
If it has only been a week of school and you can't handle the workload, you should drop it. You will become burned out very quickly. Without the added stress of the AP class, you will be able to prioritize other classes, excel, and overall boost your GPA. You may even have energy left over for extracurriculars. You can always try another AP course in the future. There are other things you can do to boost your academic record too, like taking summer classes.
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