4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I started a club at my school, had to move to a different school, but I still plan on advising the club. College’s view?

Rising Junior in high school. Transferred from a rural high school to a suburban one.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

So I'm a little confused. Do you want to continue the club at your new school by creating a club there or are you trying to continue leading the club at your old school? If you're doing the first thing, then that's great and colleges will appreciate that you are continuing your initiative at your new school. You can explain that you started a club at your old school and started the same club at your new one. If you're trying to do the second option, well then that might be a bit difficult. Unless you're club is conducted mainly online, it would be quite hard for you to continue advising a club at your old school. And I don't know if you'd even be able to if you're not s student. But if you are able to, then that's still good. It will show dedication and leadership. Either way, advising a club is always good and shoes leadership to colleges. But I would start a new club at your new school for logistical reasons.

a year ago

Heyy I wanted to know what was up with that club well I’m now the secretary of the club and left my old school sadly, but I’m not sure how to tell the club president I transferred schools any tips, or did you manage to do the club of you old school while in the new school?

4 years ago

I suggest you tell the colleges all about it in the additional information section. That can be your chance to say: “ Why did I leave this club?” If you explain the reasons why and you give a concrete reason, colleges won’t care too much about your switching clubs and high schools. However, if you don’t explain it in the additional information section, they might think you were just joining a club for the sake of it or for padding your resume. And that is something you definitely do not want the colleges to believe. That you have no passions in your extracurriculars. Also, make sure to explain why you transferred high schools. The additional information section might not sound that important now, but trust me, it can influence your application positively or negatively.

4 years ago

I suggest you tell the colleges all about it in the additional information section. That can be your chance to say: “ Why did I leave this club?” If you explain the reasons why and you give a concrete reason, colleges won’t care too much about your switching clubs and high schools. However, if you don’t explain it in the additional information section, they might think you were just joining a club for the sake of it or for padding your resume. And that is something you definitely do not want the colleges to believe. That you have no passions in your extracurriculars. Also, make sure to explain why you transferred high schools. The additional information section might not sound that important now, but trust me, it can influence your application positively or negatively.

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