4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Alternatives to majoring in Data Science to become a Data Scientist?

Hi! Basically, I'm a rising senior and trying to figure out a list of schools (in the US) to apply to. I want to become a Data Scientist however, it's hard for me find colleges I like with an undergraduate Data Science major. Are there any alternative majors/minors I can get a degree in to become a Data Scientist? Thank you in advance!

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4 answers

4 years ago

Statistics! Its a major focused on analyzing data and using logic to make conclusions and find probability! It is a good major as many companies are looking for accrual scientists and if the school doesn't offer statistics, do a math major with an applied science certificate which serves the same purpose

4 years ago

Computer Science is a great, if not the best, path for becoming a data scientist. CS should adequately prepare you to become a data scientist while leaving you many career options. According to 365datascience.com, "Computer Science is the most well-represented degree among data scientists," so its hard to go wrong with CS. Alternatively, you can major in statistics, which happens to be the second most well-represented degree among data scientists (same source). (Don't know if it means much, but I would personally go for CS.)

4 years ago

Computer science or math with a focus on statistics and data would be a good alternative. If you're interested in STEM in general physics would also be good. hope this helps :)

4 years ago

I'd actually encourage you to look into majoring in business with a minor in computer science, statistics, or information science. When data scientists are hired right out of college, they aren't typically flush with experience—sure, they've learned a fair amount in school, but a lot of what you do in your first job is learning the skills you need while you're already on the job. Having a business background can set you apart from most other data scientists and can open so many doors down the line. If you're concerned about missing out on learning important skills in college, you can definitely self-teach yourself some data science skills (and hopefully pick up additional skills during your summer internships). It's definitely a different path than the typical CS or statistics, but if you're even remotely interested in business (or could see yourself being interested in business later in life), it's definitely something to look into!

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