a year ago
Admissions Advice

what are the best extra curriculars for college admissions?

I’m in several clubs and honors societies and i’m interested in going to a competitive school such as NYU or BU. I see that the calculator lists organizations such as Interact and/or Key Club and NHS as 3s (Strong). What are some activities that receive the 2 or 1 rating? ie. What are the best possible extracurriculars for admissions?

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@CameronBamerona year ago [edited]

The strongest and best ECs are always outside of standard clubs at school like NHS or Key Club. Those are not very impactful or impressive since NHS has over 1 million members. I call them placeholders because almost anyone can join these clubs and the grading threshold is not very difficult for NHS.

For top leadership ECs, the best ones at school are Editor of the School Newspaper, Varsity Team Captain of a recruitable sport Football, Lacrosse, WPolo, ASB President.

@CameronBamerona year ago

For top leadership positions outside of school, I would say running a non-profit you started that has some community impact and fund-raising notoriety, serving a city council or school board as a high school representative, or serving in a board capacity for a community-based non-profit or your working for your public library, parks and recs organization, or city service.

@CameronBamerona year ago

For personal impact ECs, that would be using your platform and voice to impact the lives of many including supporters and followers. So impressive is someone that has say 1 million YouTube followers that has a channel focused on an academic subject like Astronomy or the Science of Cooking.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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