What is a full description of an IB class
SL stands for Standard Level
HL stands for Higher Level
DP language and literature subject group
Language A: literature SL & HL
Language A: language and literature SL & HL
Literature and performance SL
DP language acquisition subject group
Classical languages SL & HL
Language B SL & HL
Language ab initio SL
DP individuals and societies subject group
Business management SL/HL
Digital Society SL & HL
Economics SL/HL
Geography SL & HL
Global Politics SL & HL
History SL/HL
Information technology in a global society SL/HL
Language and culture SL
Philosophy SL/HL
Philosophy (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2023) SL & HL
Psychology SL & HL
Social and cultural anthropology SL & HL
World religions SL
DP sciences subject group
Biology SL/HL pdf
Biology (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2023) SL & HL
Chemistry SL/HL
Chemistry (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2023) SL & HL
Computer Science SL/HL
Design technology SL/HL
Enivronmental systems and societies SL
Environmental systems and societies (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2024) SL & HL
Physics SL/HL
Physics (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2023) SL & HL
Sports, exercise and health science SL & HL
Sports, exercise and health science (First teaching in Aug/Sept 2024) SL & HL
DP mathematics subject group
Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL & HL
Mathematics: applications and interpretation SL & HL
DP arts subject group
Dance SL/HL
Film SL & HL
Music SL & HL
Theatre SL & HL
Visual arts SL/HL
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