4 years ago
Admissions Advice

11 grade coming this year, I don't know where to start.

1. I need help studying and I don't know how to start can you guys help me out in how should I study and focus more?

2. What should I write my common essay about I don't know any topics to start?

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3 answers

4 years ago

So I answer in order

1: Khan academy has really good SAT prep tools some other great resources for SAT/ACT are https://www.enactyourfuture.com/free-sat-resources.html

Also I’d recomend to look at Supertutor TV YouTube video about thier 6 week prep guide.

2: In regards to your essay it should be about yourself and provide personal insight not just an anecdote. The essay should be unique to you and there should be no one else writing that essay so cliche topics such as a big game mission trip etc are not a good topic. Refer to the CommonApp essays and see if you have any unique experiences that might provide insight to your character.

As my username might imply I’m in debate club so it is fairly unique so I might write about how I prepare for a tournement or even how I changed/benefited from debate.

Hope this helps please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to clarify!

4 years ago

1) for studying I'd definitely recommend like compiling all your notes from each particular unit onto one cheat sheet of notes. It makes finals/any ap exams you may be taking way easier to study for and keeps info more well organized. Also, quizlet is pretty solid for doing online quizzes to test your knowledge of certain topics. Some textbooks have really great online material too btw, these can vary from just an online version of the book, to full length online tests for each chapter. Keep in mind, studying is REALLY person-to-person, this really is from personal experience so I can't guarantee it'll work for you. Try these things out, but also look further online cause I know there are quite a few youtubers who do, "study with me" videos and such.

2) I don't think you need to start your common app or really worry much about it. However, it's not a bad idea to think about it, although keep in mind Junior year is pretty formative so don't be surprised if what seems like a great essay idea now stops sounding so great. I recommend the college essay guys videos and his website, but collegevine has great stuff too. Most online workbooks will give you better and more personalized help then I can so... Do keep in mind that colleges really just want to get to know YOU don't get to stressed about giving them some majorly emotional, sob-story, thought provoking essay.

4 years ago

1) for studying I'd definitely recommend like compiling all your notes from each particular unit onto one cheat sheet of notes. It makes finals/any ap exams you may be taking way easier to study for and keeps info more well organized. Also, quizlet is pretty solid for doing online quizzes to test your knowledge of certain topics. Some textbooks have really great online material too btw, these can vary from just an online version of the book, to full length online tests for each chapter. Keep in mind, studying is REALLY person-to-person, this really is from personal experience so I can't guarantee it'll work for you. Try these things out, but also look further online cause I know there are quite a few youtubers who do, "study with me" videos and such.

2) I don't think you need to start your common app or really worry much about it. However, it's not a bad idea to think about it, although keep in mind Junior year is pretty formative so don't be surprised if what seems like a great essay idea now stops sounding so great. I recommend the college essay guys videos and his website, but collegevine has great stuff too. Most online workbooks will give you better and more personalized help then I can so... Do keep in mind that colleges really just want to get to know YOU don't get to stressed about giving them some majorly emotional, sob-story, thought provoking essay.

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