I’m a junior and I’m trying to figure out whether I should switch my schedule this year. The classes I want to take (that I’m not currently taking or have taken) are APES, AP Physics, Calc BC, and AP Spanish. Right now I’m taking AP US History, Honors English, Engineering 2 (I’m in my school’s engineering academy), Biotech 1/2, Cal AB, and AP Biology. Next year I have to take 3 English/gov classes through my schools Paideia program, and an engineering capstone so I don’t have room for all the classes I want to take next year. I could take APES this year but I’m worried about the course load with my other classes and having an unbalanced schedule (3 natural sciences). Next year I’m going to have 5 APs almost no matter what though. I also do cross country and violin outside of school as well as volunteering and being involved in a few clubs/activities. If I didn’t take APES, I would IWE (also known as TA) and take a regular physics course online through a local community college. Most of my friends are taking APES this year and AP Physics next year. I also want to show that I’m interested in both physical and natural sciences as I’m not yet sure which is a more appealing career path. I’m very torn and any advice as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated!!
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