I have an unweighted gpa of 3.86
Took five ap classes during high school including:
AP psyc:5
AP lit and comp:4
AP USA History: 4
AP Gov: 5
with two more tests/ exams that I did not take classes for:
APMicroMacro Econ:5
I have done extracurriculars such as:
Basketball: Varsity team+comp prizes
NJHS with treasurer officer spot
Investment and Econ with participation in wharton global youth investment comp with no prizes
SCIMUN with one Best Delgate
Debate with some regional prizes and no national ones in PF
And am also in the school band club.
What universities can I get into? is NYU possible? Why are so many people saying its easy when I can only get a 20% rate of acceptance with this? Where should I be targetting?
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