9 months ago
Admissions Advice

Switching college decision after May 1?

I know that legally colleges can't force me to come there even if I accept their offer and deposit. But to my knowledge, it's only possible to commit to one college after May 1, as otherwise it'd be double depositing which is considered very bad.

But just a quick search showed people are actually doing this:



I even contacted a school, and they said, "If you have a housing assignment, but decide to attend a different university, there is no cancellation fee..." which is confusing to me, because housing assignments usually come out in July after I accept the offer, so how can I ever attend a different university at that point?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
9 months ago


Yes, it is possible to switch college decisions after May 1, but it is not always easy. As you mentioned, colleges typically ask students to commit to one school by May 1. This is because they need to start planning for the upcoming year, such as assigning housing and classes. If a student commits to one school and then changes their mind, it can cause problems for both the student and the college.

That being said, you can do a few things if you want to switch college decisions after May 1. First, you should be prepared to lose your deposit at the first school. Most schools require students to pay a deposit when they accept an offer of admission. This deposit is non-refundable, so you will lose it if you decide to attend a different school.

Second, you should contact the second school as soon as possible and let them know that you are interested in attending. The second school may still have space available, but it is not guaranteed. If the second school does not have space, you may be able to get on a waiting list.

Finally, you should be aware that switching college decisions after May 1 can damage your reputation. Colleges may see you as unreliable or indecisive, which could make it more difficult to get admitted in the future.

In your specific case, the school you contacted is saying that you will not have to pay a cancellation fee if you have a housing assignment but decide to attend a different university. This is because the housing assignment is not technically a binding contract. However, you will still lose your deposit at the first school.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to switch college decisions after May 1 is up to you. Both options have pros and cons, so you need to weigh them carefully before making a decision.

Here are some additional things to consider when making your decision:

How much do you want to attend the second school?

How much will you lose if you have to pay a deposit and lose your housing assignment at the first school?

How likely will you be able to get a spot at the second school?

How will switching schools affect your financial aid?

If you are still undecided, you may want to talk to a college counsellor or financial aid advisor. They can help you weigh the pros and cons of your options and make the best decision for you.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
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