9 months ago
Admissions Advice

Can someone please tell me if this is a good extracurricular profile?

1. Robotics; teacher assistant (11,12) my team captain (11,12). At my school.

Constructed, programmed, and designed robots. Participated in prestigious competitions like FIRST Global, and Millennium, and won some significant awards. Participation grade levels: 10,11,12. Timing- the whole year. 15 hours per week, 46 weeks a year.

2. Robotics; website creator. created a website for my school's robotics club and increased its members from 8 to 20. (small school) participation grades: 11,12. Whole year. 7 hours per week, 46 weeks a year.

3. Nonprofit. Co-founder (with a friend) and lead organizer. Created an AA organization. We Organized multiple statewide & national competitions in subjects like STEM, and English, and sports like figure skating, and swimming. Participation grades: 10,11,12. Whole year. 7 hours per week, 40 weeks a year.

4. Research (economics & finances) at Lumiere in 11th grade. During the school year. 16 hours per week for 12 weeks.

5. Math Club president. member in 10th, president in 11th and 12th. club where members compete in national math tournaments. Helped organize meetings every week, promoted the club, and increased its members by 11. Have some awards in the competitions. 4 hours per week, 30 weeks a year.

6. Community Service (volunteer). school library volunteer; tutor of students at Buckswood Summer School & Gzaat’s Saturday School; co-hosted school charities; culture committee. All 4 years. all year. 4.5 hours a week, 40 weeks a year.

7. Journalism/publication. author of economics dictionary, digital SAT dictionary, school gazette journalist & editor, translated grandfather's book about how he established rugby in Georgia.all four grades. the whole year. 15 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.

8. Outdoor Recreation. shooting, tennis, swimming, climbing, cycling, horse riding, ice-skating, yoga & pilates, jogging, basketball. all 4 grades. 14 hours a week. 52 weeks a year.

9. Family responsibilities. babysit 2-year-old brother, assist sister with schoolwork & homework, take care of the family dog, do house cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking. all 4 grades. 20 hours a week. 52 weeks a year.

I am planning on applying to the Ivy League. Thank you for reading.


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Accepted Answer
9 months ago

This is definitely a strong extracurricular profile, especially when it comes to robotics! Consider writing about them in some of your essays!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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