4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Volunteer hours

So while using the chancing profile on college vine. I was inputting volunteering as a tutor for one of my activites. I've been actively doing this activity for about 4 hours a week during the school year for the past two years. But in the chancing profile, I noticed that the highest applicable tier for my activity was I tier (100+hours of volunteer for 6+ months). Since I spent substantially more time doing this activity, would this activity still count as I tier? Is 100+ hours of volunteer for 6+ months all that is worth spending for volunteering since there is no higher tier in the chancing profile for more commitment?

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@cmz4724 years ago

If you can, I think that you should definitely have as many volunteer hours as possible, don't just stop completely after 100.

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2 answers

4 years ago

This chancing option only estimates your chances. When actually applying, colleges look for different things and on your actual application, most colleges ask for volunteer hours. Don focus so much on tier, and keep volunteering! It's good for the community and development as a person.

4 years ago

Hi there! It's actually a common misconception that volunteering is very impressive to colleges, as basically anyone can volunteer and it often doesn't require extensive responsibilities. That's the reason it only goes as high as Tier I in the chancing engine. That being said, it can be a higher tier if you take on extra responsibilities or expand your position, such as starting a free tutoring service for low-income students, and recruiting other students to help tutor.

Colleges like to see long-term commitment and genuine interests, so it's definitely worth continuing tutoring in that sense, especially if it's in a subject relevant to your major, or if you want to go into education. But if it's not something that relevant to your goals, and you don't enjoy it, your energy might be better spent elsewhere.

Also, just to clarify: colleges do use some version of the Tier System to evaluate ECs, but it varies by college, and they might weigh things slightly differently.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have more questions!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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