a year ago
Admissions Advice

If I have a 1340 on my SAT should I send it to the colleges who’s student have an average of around 1450 on the SAT?

I’m applying to NYU and I’m not sure if I should submit my 1340 SAT score. Will it lower my chances if I submit it?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi! Like @CameronBameron said, 25th to 75th percentile of the scores of admitted students at whichever school you are applying to would generally be a plus for your application, so for NYU, that would be 1370 - 1540. You have a 1340, which is not very far from the 25th percentile, so as long as you can balance it out with stellar ECs and good essays and rec letters, I would recommend you submit the 1340.

However, if possible, you might want to consider retaking the SAT since there are still some dates available if you are applying in the 2023-24 cycle both for early admissions and regular admissions. The College Board reports that scores may normally fluctuate by about 30 points even without additional practice, so you have great chances of getting a better score next time you take the test.

Also, the ACT is easier for some people, so I would try taking a practice test to see whether that would work better for your particular test taking style, and then maybe taking the ACT, again, if that is possible in your situation.

Finally, consider applying ED1 or ED2 in addition to sending your scores, which may greatly impact your chances of getting in by showing how enthusiastic you are about NYU.

By the way, here is a list of the top schools and their 25th -> 75th percentile SAT scores of admitted students: reachhighscholars.org/scoresandacceptance.html

a year ago[edited]

At NYU, the most recent admitted class had a median SAT of 1540 so your 1340 is 200 points lower than the median SAT score submitted. I would not submit a 1340 to NYU. If you are Asian, you want a 1540+ SAT score at NYU.

The rule of thumb is that you should look at the Common Data Set for the college you are applying to under section C and see what the 25th- 75th percentile range is. If your 1340 falls within the 25th to 75th percentile range, then I would most likely submit it. So if you look up UNC Chapel Hill their 25th-75th is 1340 to 1500 for In-state North Carolinians but 1400-1540 for out-of-state applicants. https://admissions.unc.edu/explore/our-newest-class/

If you are from an under-resourced school district or zip code, colleges will often make exceptions for a lower SAT score. However, if you are from a middle to upper-class zip code and are White or Asian, you already know that your demographic scores highest on Standardized tests and the competition is stiff, to say the least. Therefore, I'd recommend aiming for a 50th to 75th percentile score, not a 25th percentile one.

Good luck.

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