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a year ago
Admissions Advice

I worry about my chances of getting into college

Please allow me to explain why I am so worried because high school was a mess and completely horrible for me My freshman year of high school I went to three different high schools this is why it was due to being bullied and harassed I went to the mental hospital for some time due to being depressed and after an attempt. then I was sent to an alternative school where I worked hard and got my school work done just to go back to Norman North to be told the work didn't count so I had to start all over again I would see the teachers all the time to get my grades better even if I had like a C I would flip out on myself I worked really hard then my sophomore year covid hit bad I had gotten covid over eight times the first three times were my worst because I also had phenomena, and the flu all at that same time so my body gotten really weak had to go to the hospital multiple times, junior year things started getting better for me I didn't have many friends but I enjoyed helping afterschool and while in school with the special Olympics when I was at school I help each disabled student with any taste I help be there for them when they be upset because I am nerodivergent I knew how to calm them down it was amazing I had fallen in love with writing but my health wasn't getting any better I had gotten covid again so I did most of my school work from home but still got it turned in I was use to being on computer because that's what my alternative school did, then comes senior year I started out super strong preparing for college because I knew just cause highschool didn't go as planned that college would be different for me but my last four weeks of highschool I spent in and out of the hospital due to seizures and migrains which i still deal with to this day I have hydrocephalus (Which means built up fluid on the brain) I did had etv surgery last year during fall break. after graduating highschool I was very nervous and still had to deal with health issues I always wanted to go to college been my dream since forever the doctor had told me I needed to take time and handle health first and now that things are getting settled I really wanna go to college but I technically took a gap year but not for a trip or for anything special just my health.

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3 answers

a year ago

Hi, I'm very sorry about your high school experience. High School for many of us was very difficult during the pandemic and many of us suffered learning loss or some form of mental illness brought on by the onset of factors we were subjected to out of our control.

For someone like yourself with a more delicate immune system and pre-existing conditions, you should count yourself lucky that you made it through one of the worst health crises in Global history.

My recommendation is for you to take your time and gradually work into the college experience and give yourself some flexibility with how many classes you sign up for. Why? Because there is no written rule that you have to matriculate and take a full load of classes. Life is a long process and each person should go at their pace and listen to their body about how much they want to stress it.

I would recommend that you begin your college process by enrolling in some college classes at your local community college. This will give you some benefits like convenience and lower cost to pay as you go. Until you are 100% sure you can manage the workload and manage your self-care at the same time, I wouldn't recommend applying to a 4-year college. IMO, colleges are not super supportive of providing mental health care to their students. They are less interested in pro-active preventative care than risk management of diffusing problems as they occur. So you are unlikely to get a lot of help if you enroll as a full-time student anywhere.

So you need to figure out a good work-life balance that maximizes your personal growth and education will minimizing any harm to your physical and mental health.

Thank you for sharing your personal journey and good luck to you.

a year ago

Whats your GPA?

a year ago

First of all, I'm so so sorry that happened!

And secondly, I can relate to a lot of what you have gone through ( mine wasn't as bad so I defiantly can't relate to EVERYTHING, and I'm not trying to undermine what you have gone through, I'm just trying to give context as to the advice/comments I'm about to make :) )

Ok, so, I'm about to say something that ALWAYS makes me mad when people tell me this, but I promise it does get better. Even if it's just a little better.

I also hopped around to multiple high schools because of conflicts ( I have severe ADHD so I always forgot how to do things or left books/homework at home etc. ) But if that didn't happen I wouldn't have made it in time to apply to a uni in the US. I've also been in mental hospitals because of similar circumstances.

Ok.. enough about me ( context sorry ). I understand your doctor's advice.. but what my therapist has said ( which I agree with ) is that if you wait for a 'good time' to do it, it will just make you anxious/impatient and you might try to force your recovery. Which will just make things worse. You need to do what you have always dreamed of, even if you are struggling. Doing what you love will make you feel more confident and accomplished over time because you realize that even though you're struggling, you can achieve anything regardless. Proving to yourself that you can do it will help your mental health a LOT!

I don't know you, but I can tell you that if you have made it through ALL of that and you are still staying hopeful, that you can do anything ( cringe but it's true ).

What honestly motivates me ( my therapist says this is bad but it's working for me lol ) is to not let the people that have put you down see that they actually effected you, that they were successful in making you feel like sht ( I don't think I can swear on here lol ). Long story short, spite and hatred motivates me lol. ( I also recommend to watch those alpha male motivation edits on tiktok.. it helps me.. I'm a girl btw.. not an alpha male insert crying emoji to symbolize laughing )

I'm not sure if this helped but I hope it did <3

Good luck and don't forget to slay!

ew why did I say that.. I really hate myself sometimes wtf is wrong with me crying emoji

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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