8 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I retake the SAT or is it too late?

I'm a senior and I took the SAT in August and got a 1060. I'm thinking about retaking it on November 4th but I am afraid I won't be able to apply to colleges because it's a bit late. I've got a 3.7 GPA would that balance my SAT score or should I retake it?


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2 answers

8 months ago

My best recommendation to you is to sign up for the 11/4 but only decide to go through with it if you have shown measurable improvement on your practice tests.

A 1060 is the average SAT test score in the US and nothing special. So use this time to get your resources together whether that is books, online accounts, or signing up for a course or getting a tutor. Take a weekly practice test each weekend and keep track of your progress. If you find that you can't break 1100, I think it is kind of futile exercise to continue.

Having an excellent essay and working on other aspects of your academic narrative or EC narrative might serve you better if you don't see significant improvement in your practice tests.

Right now you have a time management problem so use what time you have productively and efficiently. Cut your losses if you don't see much improvement.

Good luck.

8 months ago[edited]

Definitely try retaking it, you have 540 possible points to improve! Regular action deadlines are around the New Year, so you should have enough time to get your score. I would even recommend taking the SAT in October as well for extra practice.

At your current score, I highly recommend putting much more time into studying for the SAT as well. Khan Academy has pretty good SAT practice material made in collaboration with the College Board. Prepscholar also has a great list of SAT practice books (blog.prepscholar.com/best-sat-prep-books). I personally swear by the SAT Prep Black Book, which does a great job dissecting the thinking behind SAT test questions and helped me greatly when I was still a HS senior.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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