a year ago
Admissions Advice

didn't take any foreign language classes in hs

I am a senior in high school and planning to go to a 4-year college. I didn't take any language classes in high school, but I am fluent in Korean. My counselor told me about the seal of biliteracy test, which is equivalent to 2 years of the language class. But the problem is that the test is in March, which is after college application deadlines. So I was thinking of taking online Korean classes on the BYU independent website, but there is not much information, so I am worried it would be a waste of money since it's quite expensive. Can anyone give me any solutions for this situation?

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1 answer

a year ago[edited]

I'm not sure what kind of test you need to take to prove you are proficient in Korean. Therefore I imagine each college on your college list has its own unique criteria for whether it can accept or not some certification that you have fulfilled some foreign language requirement or not.

So I were you, I would make a rough college list and contact each of the schools on the list speak to someone in the admissions office about your circumstance, and find out whether or not there is a proxy equivalent to their HS requirements for foreign language that you can show them when you apply to their college.

Some schools may require you to take a test or earn some certification while others may not. For some top schools, I think you are just going to have to pass on applying to them. I think you are certainly in a time crunch pickle and need to work on this ASAP or you will find yourself in a worse predicament.

Good luck.

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