a year ago
Admissions Advice

Can the admission office accept late SAT scores; can you still self report SAT scores after the regular action deadline?

@MIT: If your test scores came later than you were told or if there was an issue with the testing office. Does that count against your application review for turning it in late?

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1 answer

a year ago

MIT's regular decision application deadline is 1/1/24 so the last date you can sit for the SAT is Dec. 2nd, 2023. Students get their results by 12/15 and colleges get the test scores no later than 12/26. So there should be no issue with MIT or any other RD college getting the SAT late.

There are no January or February test dates by design. The next available date is March 9th which is far too late to sit for the 2023/24 application cycle. Since MIT RD decisions come out on 3/14, there would be zero possibility of knowing your March 9th test score and submitting that to MIT anyway, so you just have to follow the Collegeboard schedule and work with that.

Once you click the submit button on the Common App, you are done, you can't edit or augment your application. So between 12/15 and 1/1/24, you have about 16 full working days to upload your SAT test score to the Common App or Coalition App.

Good luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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