10 months ago
Admissions Advice

I can't decide whether the montage essay or the narrative essay is a suitable one for my application.

I can't decide whether the montage essay or the narrative essay is a suitable one for my application. Can you give me some advices which schools prefer reading montage structure essay to narrative structure one. Or are there some specific traits to decide on that? Since for me, the montage one is kind of creativity and novel, but for the narrative one, I can share my own anecdote and everything appear more familiar with everyone. Thank you for your suggestion!

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10 months ago

Hey there @jenn_nguyen!

I think that for college applications, a narrative essay is more suitable since it can more easily demonstrate character growth through a specific experience or memory. Montage essays are super cool and can be more interesting to read, but college essays usually rely on having a clear story line and concise remarks about your personal experiences that will be easier to share through a more traditional narrative essay. In short, I wouldn't recommend using a montage essay for your college applications.

Good luck!

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