7 months ago
Admissions Advice

Where should I apply? Wharton, M&T, UChicago, Duke, NYU or UCLA (What if I apply test-option?)

My grades are as follows;

Class 9: 92.4%

Class 10: 98.4%

Class 11: 89.4%

Predicted Grade: 95%


1st attempt: 1440

Extracurricular Activities:

1.Project Kisaan Bhalai:

Started a project to provide reliable weather forecast data to farmers so that any agricultural damages can be mitigated with preventive actions.

Currently tied up with Panchayats of 7 Villages and affecting roughly 1600 farming families.

2. Infinity Financial Research Association:

I have created a web platform to research economics and financial market trends. It also encourages students to publish articles and give their opinion about the market trends. Created a team of 12 students working under me.

3. Infinity Financial Research Association- Financial Literacy Campaign:

Collaborated with HDFC, India's largest Bank, and FEE to create a financial literacy course for the youth. The campaign reached to 200+ students.

4.VCareers- Head@Research and Analytics (Analysts Department ):

Currently heading the Analysts Department under the VCaraeers(an initiative by Vivek High School to provide reliable counseling to students).

Responsible for handling all activities about research and heading a team of students.

5. House Vice Captain@ Vivek High School:

Promoted to Vice Captain after being the house prefect for a year. Planned, Managed, and participated in student government activities related to the students belonging to my house at school.

6. University of Toronto- Advanced Academic Program

Grade: A (Grade 11)

The Advanced Academic Program (AAP) provides an opportunity for students to challenge themselves in an academic university setting during the summer months. It helps students to immerse in engaging projects and discussions using course material and activities typical of a Canadian educational institution.

Attended the advanced academic program in 'World Economics' and 'Critical Thinking in Statistics at the University of Toronto. Studied various economic concepts like Supply, demand, foreign exchange rates, and monetary policies.

Received A grades in both subjects and covered coursework of a high school senior & junior and part of a first-year college student.

7. National University of Singapore- International Science Camp

Activities and societies: Attended various seminars from experienced professors(Prof. Lakshminarayan Samavedha, Prof. Marcelo H Ang, Dr. Sujith Wijerathne, etc.) to explore various fields of science(like Robotics, Medical Science, Artificial Intelligence, etc.)

Student Café: Volunteered to perform the role of the scribe in the discussion. Presented and summarized the discussion among the students and defined its direction.

8. Youth Action Hub:

Participated in the 15-Day Program, a social outreach program conducted by Youth Action Hub, an initiative by UNCTAD Youth Network.

Promoted to Campus Captain after Excellent performance in the 15-Day Program.

Responsible for researching and presenting new methods of increasing social media following.

9. Blogging:

I write blogs about Economics and Social Issues on Medium.com and interned as a writer at TalkingBusiness.co.in

10. Debate and Model United Nations:

Attended 8 Model UN Conferences. And Competed with students from India, Pakistan, Kenya, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh at the Owlypia Intellectuals Challenge 2020(Impromptu and Knowledge Challenge) and won the Gold medal

11. Research:

Wrote and published a research paper at IJESSR about the topic "Effect on real estate industry with rising sea level"

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7 months ago

Clearly you are an accomplished student with excellent academics and ECs. Nevertheless, no one can tell you where you should apply based on a list of ECs and your stats. You should do some independent research on each of these schools and determine if they are a good fit for you including providing the right amount of financial aid that you require. If you are an International Student, I know that it will be very expensive to attend UCLA or NYU since they are not very liberal with doling out grants to international students. Unfortunately, high SAT and ACT test scores still matter for most top colleges, especially Int'l students who are not enrolled in the AP or IB curricula. Good luck.

🎤7 months ago

@CameronBameron, Thank you very much for the help!

🎤7 months ago


But according to you would it be possible for me to gain admission into any of the mentioned schools?

7 months ago[edited]

You don't know if you don't apply. Consider applying Early Decision to either Duke, UChicago or UPenn (keep in mind that UPenn doesn't offer a lot of aid to international students). If you want a good bet, I'd say apply to Dartmouth Early Decision. The admit rate is like 21%+ which is a big deal compared to the 5% Regular Decision rate. Dartmouth has a lot of money set aside for international students.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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