For potential out of state students, is tuition covered if a parent is 100% disabled from military?
My dad is 100% disabled from the military and apparently the law is that for most in state colleges, my tuition should be paid for.
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@CameronBamerona year ago
Yes, for the most part you are correct. I would definitely recommend that you do a google search on the State policy for where you are applying to college to get all the facts. I know that Tuition and Fees are covered in Texas and California but not living expenses such as room and board and books and supplies. So double check with those States and confirm it a third time with the school to which you are applying to.
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Yes, for the most part you are correct. I would definitely recommend that you do a google search on the State policy for where you are applying to college to get all the facts. I know that Tuition and Fees are covered in Texas and California but not living expenses such as room and board and books and supplies. So double check with those States and confirm it a third time with the school to which you are applying to.