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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is it possible to enter ivy’s if you’re not ranked number 1?

I’ve been hearing people saying that they don’t enter some university even thought there number 1 and some people who aren’t number 1 do, so I want to know what gets me into these prestigious schools.

Thank you

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@CameronBamerona year ago [edited]

90% of Ivy Admits are not valedictorians or salutorians so wouldn't dwell on rank very much. Where you go to HS matters more than most people are knowledgeable about. If you attend a top Private Boarding school in the NorthEast of America for example your chances of getting into an Ivy are about 25-30 times greater than if you attend a public high school. So you can be ranked #50/200 and still get in. Good luck.

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3 answers

a year ago

dont let your rank affect how you feel! it is possible to get to ivys if not ranked number 1

a year ago

The best thing you can do is work to stand out and demonstrate why you're the person they're looking for. Grades are only one thing they're looking at and you can stand out in many ways. View specific college admissions information for the specific factors they are looking for.

a year ago

Being valedictorian is not the determining factor on whether you will be admitted into a prestigious school (such as an Ivy). Having top grades and a high GPA are certainly expected of students attending top schools, but being ranked #1 does not guarantee acceptance. There is nothing wrong with being valedictorian, but it is not a necessity for Ivies and other top schools. Keep your grades up, participate in extra-curriculars, and remember that schools admit students by looking at them wholistically.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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