I'm extremely concerned about my GPA and grades due to a 3.85 UW and 5 B's and 2 C's my fresh and soph years.
Demographics: Class of 2024, White, Bay Area, semi competitive HS (sends 2-3 kids to ivies each year), finance major
Hooks: First Gen, 200k - 500k income, under ROTC Scholarship
3.85 UW, 4.25 W, Rank 6/510, 1570 SAT, 22 AP’s, no national merit
- 5 B’s and 2 C’s across my freshman & sophomore year, but 95+ throughout junior and senior year.
- My mom had triplets when I was a freshman, thus I spent a great deal of time looking after them which is why my grades slipped (will explain this in additional info).
- 22 AP’s: Took 15 Exams thus far, 5’s on HGAP, CSP, WHAP, Spanish., Chem, Research & 4’s on Stats, APES, and Calc BC (lots of 3’s - again during fresh & soph year)
Wharton Investment Competition Semi Finalist
Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition Top 20 Winner
International Business Olympiad Top 10 Winner
DECA International 5x Top 5 Winner
BPA National 5x Top 5 Winner (another business CTSO)
San Francisco Journal 25 under 25
Forbes 30 Under 30 Nominee
JROTC Academic Team Top 8 National Winner & 4x State Champ
Founded Crypto Mining company with 1,500+ investors and $28,000,000 Market Cap. Featured on NBC and Fox News and received California Entrepreneur Hall of Fame Award (Elon Musk Received this award).
Published 5 Research papers in Harvard, Stanford, and UPenn Journals, collaborating alongside UCSF, UC Berkeley, and U-Penn Professors. Have also been featured on “Knowledge at Wharton” Podcast and Articles. Presented research at the IMF & BPEA conferences, some of the biggest financial/economic conferences out there.
Founded an Investments Club with 100 chapters across 20 different countries, including at UPenn. Featured guest speakers such as an NYU professor, partnered with banks and firms such as Capital One to host competitions giving away $10,000+ in prizes. Fundraised $100,000 to build a library in India dedicated to financial literacy books.
Podcast & Youtube Channel with 5 Million+ Views on Tiktok, Insta, and YT combined, teaching business concepts to youth. 500 Episodes, and featured people such as Julie Bowen, Harvard Professors, and multi-million dollar company owners in Silicon Valley.
Started an Affiliate Marketing Company with $100,000+ in revenue, 500+ companies helped, and 2,000,000+ potential clients reached through our social media. Companies include local Hispanic restaurants that went from $100,000 in revenue to $1,000,000 in under a year.
Investing & Dropshipping Business. Made $100,000+ from investing and dropshipping. Hosted workshops, posted youtube videos, and conferences in collaboration with other organizations to teach these skills to the youth. Helped other Bay area kids earn as much as $50,000 from stocks. Invited to speak at Ted.
Coded/founded 3 apps, a crypto trading platform, an admissions chance calculator, and a financial budgeting app. Invited to speak at conferences such as NATS & NATA, and have over 1,000,000 users and have partnered with firms like CitiBank. Totally free services!
Published 3 books on integrating underrepresented populations in business, investments, and entrepreneurship respectively. New York Times Bestselling author, spoke at ted conferences, and implemented workshops and leadership events to teach these skills to the youth. 20,000+ books sold & 40,000 Free E-Book Downloads.
Marica Restaurant Intern. Helped out a local restaurant with their finances, spotting errors in their tax reports saving them up to $30,000. Grew the company from $100,000 in revenue to $500,000. (Not really an internship, I’ve worked with them my entire HS career)
Founded a fundraising organization to raise funds for notable causes such as helping criminals achieve financial freedom after leaving jail. Fudnraised $200,000+ dollars, have sponsorships from Google, etc., and have 100+ chapters across 10 countries. 2,000,000+ people reached through informative social media posts, 100,000+ community hours across all members.
Have 3 Patents implementing new risk assessment methods under my belt. Fundraised $30,000 to do so and received grants from the US Government.
Implemented financial literacy law in the State of California collaboration with our senators and State Rep.’s.
Some other stuff… I did a great deal of things in these org’s but dont wanna suck up your time with the details
DECA Chapter VP
BPA Chapter President
TSA Chapter President
FBLA Chapter Founder & President
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council, District Advisory Council, Mayor’s Advisory Council, and Congressional Youth Advisory Council Representative
NHS President
JROTC Executive Officer, Academic Team Co-Founder & Co-President, Color Guard Team Co-Founder & Co-President (done events at NBA, WNBA, NFL)
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