9 months ago
Admissions Advice

Can colleges see how many times I take the SAT?

So far I’ve taken the sat two times with a highest score of a 1420. I plan to take it again in October but worry that I will not get the score I want, and have signed up to take it in November as a back up.

I worry if colleges will view me taking the exam four times negatively, and so I am wondering if they can even see how many times I take it at all.

Thank you!


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2 answers

9 months ago

Colleges generally do have access to information about how many times you have taken the SAT or ACT. When you register for these standardized tests, you typically provide your high school code, and the testing organizations share your score reports with your high school. This information is often included in your high school transcript, which colleges may request as part of your application.

While colleges can see how many times you've taken the test, it's important to note that they typically consider your highest scores when evaluating your application. Many colleges practice what is called "score choice," which allows you to select which set(s) of scores you want to send to them. This means you have the option to only send your highest score if you take the test multiple times.

Taking the SAT or ACT multiple times is a common practice, and it is not inherently viewed negatively by colleges. In fact, it can demonstrate determination and a commitment to improving your scores. However, it's also important to be strategic about when you choose to take these tests and to adequately prepare for them.

If you are concerned about taking the SAT four times, you should focus on your preparation for the upcoming test dates in October and November to maximize your chances of achieving the score you desire. If you do significantly better on one of these attempts, you can prioritize sending that score to colleges. Always check the specific policies of the colleges you're applying to regarding standardized test scores, as some may have their own preferences or requirements regarding how many scores they consider or how they consider multiple test attempts.

9 months ago

Some people think that if you take it more than 3 times, that's detrimental to your narrative. As long as there is an upward trend with your SAT score, even 4-5 times seems acceptable. So let's say you have 1380/1420/1430/1460/1510. That looks good to anyone reading your file because it speaks volumes of your determination and commitment to keep improving.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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