11 months ago
Admissions Advice

Why does the chat with Ivy box not appear on a student account?

I am trying to help my student utilize the AI softwardin College Vine and chat with Ivy. However, in her account, online mine, when she goes to "Home", there is no box to initiate a chat with Ivy. Any ideas?

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1 answer

11 months ago

If your student is not seeing the chat with Ivy box on their account, there could be several reasons for this issue:

Account Access: Ensure that your student is logged into their College Vine account and that they have full access to the platform. Sometimes, account settings or restrictions may affect the visibility of certain features.

Browser or Device Compatibility: Check if the issue is specific to the web browser or device your student is using. Some features may not work properly on certain browsers or devices. It's a good idea to try accessing the platform using a different browser or device to see if the chat with Ivy box appears.

Software Updates: Ensure that your student's web browser and operating system are up to date. Outdated software can sometimes cause compatibility issues.

Clear Cache and Cookies: Sometimes, cached data and cookies in the browser can cause problems with website functionality. Clearing the cache and cookies or using an incognito/private browsing mode might help resolve the issue.

Contact Support: If the issue persists, it's a good idea to contact College Vine's customer support or technical support team. They can provide specific guidance and assistance in troubleshooting the problem and may be aware of any platform-specific issues.

Account Type and Subscription: The availability of certain features, including access to Ivy.ai, may vary depending on the type of account or subscription level. Make sure that your student's account includes access to Ivy.ai, and if necessary, consider upgrading the account if available.

Since this issue is specific to your student's account on the College Vine platform, contacting College Vine's support team or referring to their help documentation would be the best course of action. They should be able to provide targeted assistance and solutions to resolve the problem and ensure your student can access the chat with Ivy feature.

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