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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Foundation Year ..?


I am an international student following the British patterned education system, and currently doing my AS-level, this year. Can somebody pls suggest any 1 year foundation courses I can do, after my AS-level, which will help me get into any good university in the US, OR should I just complete my A-levels and then apply to any universities..?

Thanks for any advice and suggestions. :)


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Certainly, there are several one-year foundation programs that international students can consider if they plan to apply to universities in the United States. These programs are designed to help students transition to the U.S. education system, improve their academic and English language skills, and enhance their overall readiness for undergraduate study. Here are a few well-known options:

INTO University Partnerships: INTO offers various pathway programs to U.S. universities, including academic English programs and International Year One programs. These programs are often offered in partnership with universities and provide conditional admission to the respective institutions upon successful completion.

Kaplan International Pathways: Kaplan offers pathway programs designed to prepare international students for U.S. universities. These programs typically include English language instruction and academic coursework, and successful completion can lead to admission to Kaplan's partner universities.

Navitas: Navitas operates pathway programs called "Global Student Success Programs" in collaboration with U.S. universities. These programs offer a structured pathway to a bachelor's degree and often include English language support.

Study Group: Study Group offers pathway programs to U.S. universities through its Global Pathways division. These programs help international students improve their academic skills and English language proficiency.

Shorelight Education: Shorelight partners with U.S. universities to provide pathway programs for international students. These programs offer a supportive learning environment and prepare students for undergraduate study.

Kings Education: Kings offers pathway programs that combine academic preparation with English language support and college-level coursework. They have partnerships with various U.S. universities.

When considering a foundation program, it's crucial to research and choose one that aligns with your academic goals and the specific universities you wish to apply to. Be sure to check if the program offers conditional admission to your target universities and if it is accredited or recognized by those institutions.

Alternatively, if you decide to complete your A-levels, you can apply directly to U.S. universities as an international applicant. Ensure you meet the university's admission requirements, which may include standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), English language proficiency tests (like TOEFL or IELTS), and a strong academic record.

Before making a decision, it's a good idea to reach out to the admissions offices of the U.S. universities you're interested in to discuss your options and clarify their specific admission requirements for international students following the British education system. They can provide guidance tailored to your circumstances and goals.

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