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a year ago
Admissions Advice

How many letter of recommended for Education?

I want to go to Brooklyn college, I chose Education major. I want to know how many letter of recommendation for it. Also now Brooklyn college don’t look at sat? It’s that real?

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1 answer

a year ago

Good evening. St. Joseph's University, New York, Brooklyn Campus, does require you to have personal essay letters of recommendation, but standardized testing (ACT score) is optional. I recommend putting in your test scores if you got a good ACT score. It increases your chances of getting in, but remember that is not the only thing colleges look for. They don't only want to know you based on your academic performance. They want to know more about you and how you managed your time wisely. They want to see that you were in extracurricular activities and clubs and performed community service acts for your school and community. If you are working, that is an excellent opportunity to use in your application. Also, going back to the recommendation letters. It's not hard to do.

Just ask a few of your teachers if they can write you a recommendation letter for you. I would advise you to use Commonapp to fill out your application. It is so much easier and organized. If you do use this app, go to college search, search for the college that you want, and add it to the list of colleges you are applying to. Then click on the college you want, and go to the Recommenders and FERPA tab. This tab takes you to the recommendation list. Most colleges want up to 2 recommendation letters from a teacher, another recommender (can be a parent), and an advisor. Not all colleges require this. Once you get to this point, you can click on the plus sign button, add the teacher or other recommender you want, and put in their information (email, name, class). This will then notify your teachers, who will get to write your college recommendation letter. I would ask them first before sending it to them. Once your teacher finalizes your letter, you will see submitted in bolded letters. Email them to make sure they got the notice from you. I hope this helps.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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