Hi! I’m a sophomore in high school and am looking for other extracurriculars, I want to go to a (preferably elite) school for finance or statistics. Currently i do:
Key club
DECA (went to ICDC last year)
Students Against Cancer
Innovate withIN
Diamond Challenge
What are other ECs (business or not) I could do either in or outside of school? Thanks!
Choose ec's you're interested in! Now's the time to explore your interest and they don't have to be related to your major!
Here are some from the top of my head:
FIRST Robotics
Vex Robotics
part-time job
starting a blog/youtube channel
starting a club at your school
any other club at your school
self-studying anything: APs, languages, etc.
None of your ECs have to do with 'finance' or 'statistics'.
Therefore I would pick ECs that are more focused on your area of interest.
For example. Get a software program that shows you have expertise in statistical modeling or start a finance club at your school where you regularly discuss finance topics like trading stocks for example.
Please note that none of the elite colleges with the exception of UPenn Wharton are going to offer a major in Finance per se because that is normally covered under grad school when you get an MBA. But you can still major in economics or econometrics or statistics.
Good luck.
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That’s why Penn is my dream school and has been for years, and I would argue DECA and the last 2 are very finance oriented. Ive tried to start a finance club but there was a lack of interest, I’d like to hear more about the statistics programming things, what do you suggest?