I am a South Carolina resident and I have always wanted to go to UNC. However, out of state acceptance is extremely difficult and no one from my small catholic school has ever gotten in. What do I need to do in order to make my chances as strong as possible? How can one get accepted out of state?
Getting into a state school out-of-state doesn't necessarily mean you have to do anything specific. The school has some out-of-state quota, after all. For UNC, which is 80% in-state students, this is still incredibly difficult. The overall acceptance rate was 19.2% for the 2021-2022 cycle. This means your chances are significantly lower than even that number. You should have excellent academics, 75th percentile+ test scores, and extracurriculars that show your dedication and hard work. Write any essays that may be optional and write them well, find a tutor if you need one. But there are other great schools you should apply to, don't be too dead set on UNC.
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