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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I Submit My SAT Score?

I have been studying for the sat for months now, but can't seem to score higher than a 1420. I am taking it one more time, but do not expect to see a large score increase. I have a list of colleges that I am applying to where I am unsure if I should submit my score or not. The rest of my application should be sound, though I am unsure if it is Ivy League-tier (GPA is 4.0; good amount of AP classes; EC's include nonprofit that raised over 50k, paid internship with a large well-known company, creating a curriculum for a company's internship that was awarded a prestigious award by Microsoft, etc.; and essay should be fine, maybe on the mediocre side).

Here are the colleges:

- Tufts

- Northwestern

- Carnegie Mellon University

- Duke

- Ivy's: Yale, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, UPENN, Dartmouth

Please let me know if there are, if any, colleges on this list where I should submit a 1420 SAT score instead of going test-optional.

Thank you!


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1 answer

a year ago

Hey there @amallios!

I've listed the average SAT scores for the colleges on your list:

1. Tufts: 1460-1540

2. Northwestern: 1500-1560

3. Carnegie Mellon: 1480-1560

4. Duke: 1490-1570

5. Yale: 1470-1560

6. Princeton: 1470-1560

7. Brown: 1510-1570

8. Columbia: 1500-1560

9. Harvard: 1530-1580

10. Cornell: 1470-1550

11. UPenn: 1500-1570

12. Dartmouth: 1460-1580

Because your SAT score is lower than that of the average for any of the aforementioned schools, I don't think it would be worth it or beneficial for you to submit your scores.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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