11 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is EA worth it?

I'm applying EA to my dream school but the problem is I don't have any of my essays fully crafted. I have a writing coach due to a program I'm in but I meet with her every Thursday along with other girls so there isn't much 1 on 1 time. I've tried help from my counselor but she isn't much help and it always feels like I'm being put down. At this point, I feel as if I should apply just regular fall term application. I don't want to ruin my chances but at the same time, I know how much EA really helps. Idk what to do at this point, I feel like I can have them ready but then I'm scared that with the little time I have left, they won't be good essays.

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@logn11 months ago

I'm in this same area, started on my essays late

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
11 months ago

Hello! I suggest you try your hardest to finish on time for EA as it really will help you a lot. Once you finish your essays and are proud of it or even if you're not done but looking to have it checked or want help, I suggest going to maybe an english teacher or some teacher you are close with and asking them. It would also be best if you maybe even tried paying someone online to check it for you but if you dont have the money for that then like i said try to find an adult who can help you out and even with the writing coach you can send them an email when you're done and ask them if they can look at it when they have the chance. I belive there is also a peer review on here as well you can try to do. But also dont stress too much about not applying EA. It will help you a lot but also if you apply still somewhat early, most colleges have rolling admission so you could still have a good chance. Try not to stress so much about making the time, if you dont then you dont. Just focus on doing your absolute best. Good luck, you got this!

11 months ago

I would say early action is always worth it. Even if you don't get accepted early, you can always reapply so in a way it doubles your chances of admission.

11 months ago

It depends on the historical difference in acceptance rate, sometimes your chances are much higher with EA but it could be better to hold off on submitting a sloppy application because, if this school is even remotely selective, there will be a very noticeable difference between that and your best effort given some more time.

11 months ago

If you are applying to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, or Princeton EA, then I would hold off until you are 100% happy with what you are submitting.

Applying to top schools EA doesn't provide much of an advantage non ALDC applicants since the application pool is most difficult filled the cream of the crop valedictorians, recruited athletes, donor kids, legacies, VIPs, and children of faculty who have a serious advantage over everyone else.

If you are not an ALDC applicant or someone applying through Posse or Questbridge, then it probably makes more sense to shoot your shot under a shotgun approach during RD where you can apply to 10, 20, or 30 schools at the same time.

Good luck

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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