11 months ago
Admissions Advice

What can I do in a fashion club

I want to start a fashion club b/c I'm interested in fashion and I want a leadership role for colleges but I have no idea what to do during it.

My school is low-income so I cant do outlandish tasks. Ive asked this question before and they all say make clothes there but no one understands how much time, effort and planning that takes. Im up to it if I had the materials or the money for the materials---which I don't--- or the knowledge but I don't. I like picking out clothes and styles but how do I translate that to a club?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
11 months ago

hi!! This is such a fun idea and I love that you want to do this! As someone who also loves fashion and is a co-founder of a fashion club, I can tell you that you don't have to make clothes! At our first meetings, we used Pinterest and created different boards with different aesthetics and people tried to pair others with it! We also have fun discussion meetings where we talk about what current fashion trends we hate or love and we passionately argue for them! Another fun day for us is model day where we bring in our best outfits and have a fake model walk while everyone cheers! We then give everyone feedback on their outfit, but it's all fun and cute! It's so much fun and is my safe space as the people are so funny and kind! If you want more ideas let me know!

11 months ago[edited]

Hello! I think the club sounds like a great idea. I have a bunch of ideas for things you could do as potential club activities.

1. Share presentations/learn about different fashion eras.

2. Create outfits using online an online software, sketch them on paper, etc. You can do contests to come up with the most unique outfit for different themes, or design new pieces of clothing/accessories.

3. As for making clothes, just an idea, but you could set-up a clothing and materials drive for the club, so people could donate clothes in good condition to be re-used for club purposes. It could be done at your school, a local public, library, etc. If it works out, then as a club activity you could do challenges like creating new outfits from the pieces you collect, or use the fabric from those pieces of clothing to make new pieces.

4. Organize a donation drive for clothes or accessories they make to a local organization, if you're wanting to have a service/community aspect

5. Have members create Pinterest style boards to find new styles, represent their own style, or their ideal style.

Thrift store challenge: Take your members on a trip to a local thrift store and challenge them to find the most stylish outfit they can for under $20. This is a great way to encourage creativity and show that great fashion doesn't have to be expensive.

DIY fashion projects: Host a DIY fashion project night where members can bring in old clothes and learn how to upcycle them into something new and trendy. This is a great way to encourage sustainability and creativity.

6. Host a fashion show fundraiser for your club where members can showcase their designs and sell tickets to the event, as a way to raise money for your club while also giving members a chance to show off their designs

7. Guest speakers, even if its like something over zoom? IDK, I think it'd be cool if you were able to invite industry professionals to come and speak to your club about their experiences and give advice on how to pursue a career in fashion.

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