11 months ago
Admissions Advice

Starting a club at my school

Hi everyone, I have decided to try and start a club at my school. For about a year now I have been supplying free period products in my schools bathrooms. This year I decided I wanted to start a club to possibly keep this going when I am gone. The only issues is Im not sure what the club should have to offer. For example in a garden club members would plant things in our garden and discuss things along those lines. But for my topic what do you recommend we talk about/do? Should it be a women's club? Or what kind of club and what activities do you think we should have/discuss. Please let me know any ideas!

Womens club
Menstruation club
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11 months ago

Having it be called the Women’s Club allows it to have a broader goal. On top of keeping feminine products supplied, your club could also host drives to donate products to local women’s shelters. You could also possibly start a blog where you bring light to many issues that modern women face. Your club could also highlight many prominent female figures in history and their contributions


11 months ago

I think that starting a Women's Club would be great-- a lot of schools have Black Student Unions, GSAs, and affinity groups for students with certain identities, so this would be a great addition. You could talk about the need for feminism in your school and community, female leaders throughout history, and discuss how women have unequal rights globally. You could also get members of the club to help you supply the period products-- my school has something like that that was started by students who graduated a few years ago, but the program is still going strong. It would make a great impact on your school community!


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