7 months ago
Admissions Advice

Will dropping an AP Course after first semester in junior year have a bad impact on college admissions?


I am a high school junior, with 12 honors and 7 AP courses (3 in 10th grade and 4 in junior year) till date. I am having a hard time getting good grades in AP Statistics. In spite of my best efforts and spending a lot of time I a stuck with a C. I want to drop the course after Sem 1, but I am scared it may have a negative impact on my college admissions. Can anyone please advise, is it ok to drop an AP Course than get a C? Will the admissions counselors think I can't take up a challenge and see through it and will that become a reason to reject my application? Thank you!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

Remember that AP classes are weighted, so a C counts as a B when your GPA is weighted. Taking 4 APS your junior year will show admissions officers that you are dedicated and they will understand your grade (compared to if you were only taking one and doing poorly).You are already this far into the year, so it makes no sense to drop it. You should take the AP test, as it’ll show dedication, and if you pass, it’ll count as a college credit and you don’t have to take Statistics in college. Also, if you don’t pass, you don’t have to report your score!

7 months ago[edited]

I'm not the most well versed in this specific subject, but it's better to get a bad grade in a tough class than to drop a tough class in the eyes of admissions officers. A lot of people whose jobs are in education (that I've talked to) consider a dropped class equivalent to an F. I think you should just stick with it and ask your teacher to help you.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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