11 months ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculares for psychology

Hey I don’t really know how to ask this but I just wanted to know if anybody has any recommendations in High School extracurriculares for someone who wants to major in psychology

I’m a first gen immigrant so I don’t really know how a lot of the system works so I thought that it would be convenient to ask for help here ^^

@MMLC11 months ago

I would suggest joining a mental illness club, Psi Chi, Society for Personality. Is anything best related to something you plan to major in? If you aren't interested into these clubs or your school doesn't have one. You should consider making a club or a program. Find other people interested in psychology as well. It will look well for you since you will be the founder and president.

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2 answers

11 months ago

In terms of school-bound ECs, I would recommend trying to join or start a club for psychology in the school. This is a good way to demonstrate your actual interest in the subject. This could also be a great opportunity to reach out to people who work in the industry and politely ask for them to be guest speakers at some of your club meetings. This is not only good for garnering interest in the club, but also for networking, and it could open up opportunities within that specific career path/field. Outside of school, there are multiple opportunities to look into. I would research and apply to summer internships & pre-college programs that would allow me to study psychology. Hope this helps!

11 months ago[edited]

If you love shopping then there are no other psychology extracurriculars you can ask for. I love shopping to tone down my stress. So, recently in stress shopping, I bought a Ted Lasso Maximilian Osinski Bomber Leather Jacket which turned out to be a good purchase for me.

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