I'm a junior in high school and my school is small. I would love to start a club in my school we already have an art club, dance club, gaming club, book club, and that's about it. I would like to hear different ideas from all of you, thanks!
Thank you for giving me great ideas!
What do you love? What are you passionate about? What might other students be passionate about? Find something you and your classmates may find in common or something completely new! A sports club? A craft club? An environmental club? Science Club? The possiblities are endless :)
Hey there! Performing arts clubs are rare, I've always wanted to participate in one within my community but never had the chance to, definitely recommend theatre and slam poetry or storytelling clubs. Fine arts and fashion/product design are great ideas as well
you can start red cross! I started it at my school and its so much fun! you make new friends, lead meetings, find community service, and if you get 20 hours you can get a red graduation cord
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Hey! in my school we have tons of clubs like culinary, gardening, fashion, BYO (black youth community), any type of religion, music, chess, creative writing, woodworking, and a bunch others. hope this helped:)