To all of you applying ED/EA, you are now officially part of the Class of 2028 College Admissions process. You made it.
I wish all the best luck to all of you. I hope you get into your ED or EA schools.
I have some advice for you.
1. Do not assume you are getting in because the hypercompetitive climate to get into T100 schools is still with us.
2. Start working on your RD essays and supplemental materials. If you find out in 6 weeks that you got into your dream school, you can congratulate yourself and have the option to stop working on it.
3. If you wait until 6 weeks to find out and you didn't get into your ED/EA schools then you only have 2 weeks to crank out a tremendous amount of work will add pressure and stress to your finals week for your first semester
and put you in a very cranky mood over Winter Break.
Remember where you go to college undergrad is less important than finding a great school that matches your needs, personality, and lifestyle. You should always put your health mental health and emotional well-being ahead of any college. Brand, clout, networking, and prestige will not support your needs if you are struggling. Therefore be very careful about what you ask for.
Good luck and take care.
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