How do you write a why this major essay for UIUC and Purdue university? This is the prompt: Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the major you have selected. (Respond in 250 words or fewer.)
A piece of advice that really stuck out to me was to answer some basic questions in your essay. The questions would be:
1) What subject inspires you?
2) How does it inspire you? (Ex. If you want to major in Physics, what about the subject do you like? You could also bring up certain experiences that inspired you to pursue Physics, like a school project or concept.)
3) What have you done to further this subject? (Ex. Even if you REALLY like Physics, it won't shine through in your essay unless you say how else you've furthered that interest.)
Hope this helps :)
Describe why you are passionate about this major and give examples of you already exploring that realm. Eg, I want a degree in Ornamental Horticulture (art of gardening and floral). I grow vegetables and flowers and recently began taking certificate level floral courses. This shows my passion, determination, and curiosity. Why did you choose it and how are you already involved in the field?
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I think that if you have a personal story that conveys your interest in that major you should tell it. Otherwise you should go into what interests you in that major and how you would be fulfilled by it.