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a year ago
Admissions Advice

CollegeVine Test Scores Chance Calculation

I have applied to top schools like UMich and UPenn. I had scored a 1380 on my first attempt at the SAT and so I decided to go test optional for both of these schools. However, for some reason, when I change my test score from 1380 to applying test optional, it lowers my chances for top universities. What does this mean?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

UPenn like many T20 schools is test preferential as evidenced by their common data sets. Over the past 3 years since T20 schools and most colleges went test-optional, the admit data shows that admissions officers are biased toward high test scores.

During the 20-21 cycle 90% of admits submitted either the SAT or ACT. During the 21-22 cycle 79% submitted and last year 71% submitted. This tells you that regardless of the public policy on their website and marketing material, UPenn admissions officers feel more comfortable admitting students with test scores versus those who do not submit.

Although your test score is below the 25% percentile for UPenn and many T20 schools, it would be more disadvantageous not to submit your 1380. Those who do not submit are likely over-judged by how poorly they did on their standardized tests. Perhaps some AOs assume that they only scored 1100 or 1200.

Good luck.

a year ago[edited]

The data from thousands of past students in our chancing model shows that applying test-optional is only beneficial if your score is in the bottom 25th percentile of applicants to that school. Otherwise, having tests will confer a chancing advantage. Unfortunately, although schools say they are test-optional, they are really "test-preferential" -- you should submit a 1380 to both schools.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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