8 months ago
Admissions Advice

How Do I Get Over The Nerves Of Fear Of Failing?

Hey, so I was wondering, how do I get over some of the nerves from the fear of failing? So sometimes I feel like I am doing a bunch of hard work for nothing and I won't get into my dream college... how do I get over that feeling? Sorry this probably seems like a dumb question.

Thank you for reading, and have a good day :)



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3 answers

Accepted Answer
8 months ago

Just remember you ARE enough, just because you don't get into your dream college

doesn't mean you've failed at all! It simply isn't what God had in store for you. There will always be other schools that will accept you. Where you go to college shouldn't define your worth (: Everyone has their ups and downs, and no matter what you will be able to push through it!

8 months ago

I'm a perfectionist so I have this same fear. Constantly remind yourself that there will always be someone academically better or smarter than you, but that doesn't make you a failure or less than. At the end of the day, even if you don't get into your target school, you will still be accepted into another one as long as you actually put in effort to the best of your capability. The best of everyone's capability obviously looks different on different people because we aren't the same. Life will carry on whether you get into your dream school or not. You will find a career and make money whether your degree is from Yale or community college. You will be fine. You can breathe.

8 months ago

You will never fail as long as you love what you do and why you are doing it!! Even if you don't get into your top schools, you have not failed anything. Even though it is hard to believe sometimes, you have to love yourself enough to know that no matter where you end up (even if it isn't your choice) you are amazing and hardworking. All the work you have put in isn't a waste because it helps you build yourself and your character which is the most important thing.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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