10 months ago
Admissions Advice

College After 10th Grade?

So I found this opportunity to go to college after 10th grade, without a high school diploma. It’s legit, it’s called Bard College at Simon’s Rock. I would have my bachelors degree by the time I am 20. I have reached out to some students there, and it sounds like it would be a good opportunity, but I still am not totally sure. I have always excelled in my classes and longed for more knowledge, but would this be right?

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1 answer

10 months ago

Hi! I've heard a little about Bard and I personally think it sounds pretty cool. Overall, its a very personal decision. Do you feel you would be able to succeed in a college atmosphere? Do your parents/guardian agree that this would be the right choice for you? How does Bard work in terms of high school graduation, do you need a GED to attend? Would getting a bachelors from Bard work for you in terms of your/your family's finances, and the major/career you want to pursue? If so, I'd look into it more, as it can definitely be a valid option.

Some things I think student could potentially benefit from the normal graduation route is they can have time to decide what they think they'd like to pursue in college, have the standard high school 'experience' (though since fellow students would be the same age as you and not 18-21, you could probably still have that, minus things like dorming for example), get finances into order, or to mature before they 'go out into the world' so to speak. Weigh your pros and cons!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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