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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Is it okay for me to be looking into colleges right now? I'm in 10th grade.

I know its a bit of a rush but I want to at least know my options, but when I mention it to my friends they always tell me to slow down

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@anastasiakaterinaa year ago

Yes, it is okay for you to be looking into colleges right now. It is always good to be proactive and informed. However, since you are in 10th grade and will take the SAT or ACT next year, I would start prepping for it now. Do not make college prep and research your priority, though. I know many schools are test-optional right now, but having a decent standardized test score can help you earn merit scholarships which greatly relieve the financial burden of college. Best wishes from a senior!

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4 answers

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a year ago

As a fellow 10th grader, I think it is okay too, I am an athlete that competes in multiple sports, and my councilors urge me to look into colleges especially since I am an athlete. Once you hit 11th grade then you need to really look into it, it's never too early to look into colleges, it might even be helpful for the future.

a year ago

I mean, I'm in ninth grade and I am already looking at colleges. I'm a huge planner, though. I don't think it's a bad thing that you are AT ALL. I'm the same way, my friends are always telling me to slow down, but I am just preparing myself and getting everything organized. I feel like it's a good thing you are though. :D

a year ago

I think you shouldn't stress about it. I really would only do it if you have extra time. I would just focus on finding career options for you and once you know that second half of the year you can start looking into colleges because it's never too early. During junior year if when you finalize your list and start looking into writing your common app and other things.

a year ago

I think that it's great that you are looking into colleges. I started gaining a bit of awareness for what colleges were out there in 9th grade. The best thing to do when looking at colleges right now is location and majors. Big college or small college? Close by or far away? Does it have majors that I am interested in? That sort of thing. Trust me, when you get into 11th grade, you have to consider a lot more, so starting early and slowly is good. However, try to refrain from obsessing over the details, such as how to apply, FASFA, loans, letters of recommendations, trying to narrow down your college list to just one... you get the picture. You have junior and senior year to finalize things.

In summary, exploring you options right now is good, but don't overwhelm yourself.

Good luck! :)

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